Garden snails are one of the best-known species of snails in the world. It is an air breathing snail, which has a single lung. They have a brownish soft body covered with slimy mucus and yellow or cream color shell with brown spiral stripes. The garden snail has a height of about 0.9 through 1.3 in and a width of 0.9 to 1.5 there is also a lip that appears that is added when an individual is old. Michelle has a sphere shape and a slightly rough service was about 4 to 5 spirals. The shell protects the soft body of the snail but when it is not feeding or what it feels as if it is in danger it may retract into its shell. 

 nails are an herbivorous species and will consume many types of plant matter. It finds its food in fruit trees, herbs, cereals, flowers and bark of trees. Occasionally it may add to its diet organic matter and decomposition either vegetable or animal. Due to the herbivorous nature of the species they are considered to be an unwanted pest for gardeners. During the mating process males can fertilize each other and they will lay around 8286 eggs each about three to six days after meeting. Each snail will create an S digging a hole in the soil with its foot to deliver with eggs. hatching liquor 2 weeks later if it is in the summer Garden snails can produce up to six batches of eggs in a single year and each newborn will take one to two years to mature. Cardinals are a food source for some animals like lizards, frogs and worms. 

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