Earwigs are odd looking insects which have pincers or forceps protruding from the abdomen. These are somewhat intimidating looking, but they are not poisonous, and they do not spread disease. Depending on the species, adults’ range in size from 5-25 mm. They are slender insects with two pairs of wings.  Most types of earwigs generally prefer wet areas which are cooler and undisturbed. Earwigs can be a serious garden pest if conditions are right. If there is adequate ground cover, wet soil, and food, the earwigs will do well. Earwigs are relatively fast moving. They run away quickly when the ground litter is moved, uncovering them. Earwigs are active at night. During the day they hide in cracks in damp areas. They live under rocks and logs and in mulch in flower beds. Earwigs eat plants and insects. Earwigs are attracted to lights.  They can become a nuisance on porches and patios on summer evenings. In the morning they will be gathered under things like cushions that were left outside overnight. Earwigs move into homes to find food or because of a change in weather. They usually wind up indoors while seeking shelter or just happen to wander inside through open doors. Earwigs prefer cool, damp areas and may enter homes during extended dry periods.

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