Argentine Ant

The Argentine ant can range from light to dark brown in color. They measure approximately 2.2 to 2.8 millimeters long. Argentine ants have long antennae that have 12 segments on them.

 Argentine ants are a very invasive species and they are known for taking over the native and population. They are also one of the most troublesome home investing pests. They like moist areas such as mulch under debris and the ground under piles of trash and home foundations. When the weather is cool that does not faze these pests, they may use gaps and Cracks around the house to enter and take shelter.

 Argentine ant nests can support multiple Queens and they breed rapidly creating huge colonies that can number into the hundreds of thousands of workers. It is drawn to DK and waste, and they can spread bacteria wherever they go. Argentine ants feed by transferring food from mouth to mouth making baits more effective than aerosol or liquid insecticides. Argentine Ant can kill other insects and invade human dwellings over time. The network of interconnecting colonies may become a massive infestation. Each colony of Argentine ants can contain millions of insects and multiple Queens. They can populate the entire city blocks. The Argentine ant infestation is best left to a professional pest controller to identify and to treat. 


The little black ant can appear to be dark brown to Black and color that they are typically going to appear to be jet black. They are approximately 1.522 millimeters in length, and they do have antennae.  They are unevenly rounded, and their thorax lacks a spine. Little black ants are found throughout the United States especially in the Eastern region in the southern half of California and throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.

 These ant swarms are commonly found from June to August during which time they will forage, and you may see their trails and are frequently seen along the sidewalks. These ants would feed on Grease, oil, meat, fruit, and vegetable material such as cornmeal and Suites. The workers also feed on other insects.

 Little black ants are commonly found in wooded areas in yards under rocks inside of rotting logs and under piles of bricks and lumber. Furthermore, these ant nest may be in woodwork, wall voids, decaying wood and masonry or behind facades. 

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