Bed bugs get their names from the habit of feeding on a human host as they lie in bed. They are excellent hitchhikers and can be easily transported on clothing and in here. Found in many different types of dwellings which makes them difficult to control. 99.6% of all Pest Control professionals had to treat an infestation of bed bugs in 2014 according to the most recent bugs Without Borders survey.

Little bed bugs can appear to be reddish brown and color with a long oval shaped body that is approximately the size and shape of an apple seed. Bed bugs may appear to be flat or they may look like tiny brown balloons depending on whether they have recently fed Effexor similar to fleas and ticks in that they need blood to survive.

Bed bug bites and stings pose the biggest threats to health and safety sending more than half a million people to the emergency room every year. Bed bugs are often found in and around the bed. However, these Travelers can also hide in a variety of unusual places that One would not think to look. Some unusual hiding places are purses stuffed animals inside fluorescent light bulbs on school buses or on airplanes. These impacts are skilled Travelers and if you place your purse on the ground or near furniture in a location where there is a bed bug infestation, they may want to hitch a ride. Therefore, they may also be found on school buses or on airplanes. Unknowing people may carry the bed bug in backpacks or on their clothing and transport them unknowingly to other locations.

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