Spiders have eight legs and two body regions. They do not have wings or antennae. Spiders have three or four pairs of eyes depending on the species. They can come into your home through loose screens and cracks under doors, windows or other openings. They may move indoors to look for food, warmth, moisture or to seek out a mate. The presence of other insects in your home may serve as an invitation to a spider to enter your home. Spiders may also be unknowingly transported inside your home through infested plants, firewood, or clothing. 

Many spider species do not pose a threat to people; however, some spiders can deliver a venomous bite that could potentially require medical treatment.  Two of the most common venomous spiders in the United States are the brown recluse and the black widow. The brown recluse spider has a violin shaped marking on the top of its cephalothorax – the fused head and thorax of a spider. A black widow is easily noticeable by the red hourglass on the underside of its abdomen. 

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